She's got a Hundred and Seventy Seven Days to decide on life. She believes that when you truly put mind into something, the universe will conspire to help you. Other then that, all you can do is pretty much joget to your own beat and enjoy the ride. Welcome to her world.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I Lied.

Hell yeah.
Turns out my birthday was awesome.
Sex jokes n gossips.
Oh snap. I like.
He replied. We went out not alone but it was enough to fill my mediocre expectations for a love life. Hugs.

Im back bitches

I have no clue how many days are left till I graduate.
I bought this card about a year ago when I knew I was getting a nephew.
I thought it was hilarious. I wished someone sent me this card.
Im a year older today.
So I decided to ask a guy out to have dinner with me today. He didnt reply. Awesome.
I waited for the mail man to come with some gifts, he came but there were no gifts.
Its cold and raining. And Im twenty three yo! twenty3.
I have loads things to do, but I feel like writing a song.
It would be called ' Im twenty three and I still eat cookies in bed motha fuckas!'
Hahaha, that cracked me up abit.